Remaking the Economy: Regional Solidarity Economies

The national movement towards a solidarity economy has grown exponentially over the past few years, seeded by regional ecosystems that are building grassroots power across the country. Over the past six years, BCI has been working to build a regional solidarity economy in the DC area — and our strategy of organizing with cooperatives and workers is being recognized nationally.

Building on the series in Nonprofit Quarterly this winter that highlighted case studies of solidarity economy ecosystems, including BCI’s organizing work with cooperatives and workers, Nonprofit Quarterly and the New Economy Coalition are co-hosting a webinar to dig deeper into how we build regional economies rooted in community ownership.

BCI Organizing Director Felix Macraeg shared about BCI’s work of organizing a regional solidarity economy in the DC Metro region, and the national impacts of our work with the New Economy Coalition. We invite you to watch the recording of this free webinar below.